Models is a revolutionary new application that helps you create time-based models with ease.
With the option of producing fully dynamic and perfectly formatted Excel spreadsheets, it fits in seamlessly with current workflows and business practices.
Formulas in Models are human-readable - you no longer need to navigate the tabs of your spreadsheet to understand them
Quickly follow calculation paths and audit model logic through the variable treeview
Previews allow you to instantly see values and visualisations of your calculations to catch problems in real-time
Dimensions eliminate error-prone formula duplication by performing calculations across multiple business categories
Quickly build dashboards with drag-and-drop, then edit inputs and immediately see how key variables and metrics change
With just a few clicks, add scenarios and sensitivities to your model, and see how they impact results
Create perfectly formatted and fully dynamic spreadsheets. Include dashboards and data tables, and test the impact of changes to inputs.
Add custom sheets to your spreadsheet build to meet any requirements not covered by the automatically generated content
We currently use our software as an internal development tool, but we welcome the thoughts and feedback of the financial modelling community. An Alpha trial version of Models is currently available as a free download for those who are interested in getting involved.
Click below to find out more.