What stays the same?
When building a forecast, we tend to spend a lot of time thinking about what's changing. What we should really do, is think about what stays the same. Let me explain...
3 ways to model growth
We look at three different approaches to modelling growth in a business: 1: Straight-line/Exponential; 2: Churn-based; 3: The Bass Diffusion Model. For each, we look at the pros and cons and give you some tips on using them.
Why bother with Units?
What does Columbus's journey of 1492 have to tell us about the importance of units? And why should we bother using them in our financial models? Read on to find out.
3 properties of a great model
Building a great financial model is about more than just getting the right answer. The model must also be useful to anyone who's intending to read or use it.